Can I be honest with you? ...Vulnerability
This is a difficult talk to share with you, because it requires a level of vulnerability that I don't usually exhibit. Over the last month, I've been sharing videos about my work and professional philosophies. I've received so much positive and encouraging feedback, which I truly appreciate.
One thing that drives me is challenge. Believe it or not, making the decision to begin posting my videos to social media was a pretty big challenge for me.
Here's why: the "F" word - FEAR.
Fear of the unknown, fear of how I'll be received, fear of whether or not my message will resonate in the way that it is intended. My intention is to share with you my experiences of having a vision, taking the steps to galvanize people, and pool resources in order to bring that vision to life.
I do this to inspire someone else who has a dream or passion to be the change they wish to see. I am here to help organizations, individuals, and groups develop strategies to improve the communities where they live and work.
My objective is: when you hear me speak, when you see me at a conference, or when you meet with me one-on-one, you walk away more passionate, more inspired, more motivated, and more equipped.
Each of us has a flame inside of us, which is attached to our wants and goals. These flames exist at varying levels. It could be like a pilot light, a candlestick, or even a torch.
I want the impact of our engagement to be that you walk away with a raging fire, motivated and prepared to spread that talent or skill that only YOU possess.
This is why I do what I do!

Kashanna Eiland is the co-founder and Executive Director of Empowerment through Education and Exposure, a nonprofit agency that promotes post-secondary education and career opportunities for Chicago youth. She is also a Social Impact Strategist and Speaker who helps socially conscious individuals and organizations bring their bright ideas to fruition.